Monday, 21 March 2016

The Crew

     So,  I'm closing in on 550 followers on Instagram, so I thought I'd update/create a new blog. My goldie crew has changed over the past couple of years, and I'm excited to share some pictures with you all!  I will be getting some short tail ryukins in the near future, but I will most likely be moving soon and I don't want to get them until everything is settled. At the moment I have a couple of pet store rescues, and one baby ryukin in my main tank. They aren't as fancy as the previous fish I've had, but they are certainly just as cute and dear to my heart!

Baby Ryukin who has yet to be named.
Baby Ryukin
The other two are kinda blurry, but peaches looks like she is doing a little curtsy. :)
6 Minutes of Goldfish
(Click on link)
     I hope you enjoyed this first post and good luck with all your goldfish keeping!